The Future is Now

It’s time for a confession.

Twelve months ago, with Alienworks collapsing under the ridiculous scope of our project, we were forced to make a tough decision: let it fold, or steal all the art, music, and scripts from an obscure Mongolian visual novel, and pray no one noticed. Regrettably, we settled on the latter, and had managed to get away with it until three hours ago when we were contacted by the makers of “БНХАУ-ын хамгийн шилдэг секс тоглоом” and ordered to cease and desist.

Unfortunately, today was in fact the deadline for our demo release. Two hours ago, deciding we had come too far to fail, the team started over on our own version of “The Human Reignition Project”, using largely original assets. Heroically, everyone pulled together, and we managed to finish on time.

We’re actually all super proud of our demo. The story is remarkably consistent, in terms of plot, characterisation, and style, and our art assets are almost as good as those we have been promising you. We are certain you will agree this is an acceptable product after our three years of development.

So here it is: our demo.

Walcome to the Humen Reeignishun Project.


  1. Well as much as I appreciate something coming out before April *cough cough*, I’m pretty sure a good amount of people will be a bit concerned when Avira and maybe other AV freak out thinking that the exe is a trojan. You guys might want to resolve that.

    1. We went with an international perspective as far as time zones go. Thanks for the heads-up on the virus alerts, though. I’ll look into fixing that.

      1. Haha I realize some people do just go ahead with their plans so long as other parts of the world are April. To be honest I was kind of excited and then I looked further along the post and then remembered. Hope you can resolve the issue though.

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