Hey everyone, sorry it’s been so long. Merry-belated-Christmas, and happy-belated-New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful time. Progress is moving along smoothly at Alienworks. In the past few weeks, we’ve made leaps and bounds in planning. We’re hoping to move onto formal writing within a few more weeks. Get hype. Also, we welcomed… Continue reading Progress! Also, music!
Mo content, mo problems
So our last post was in October. Whoops. I’d like to apologize for the lack of traditional updates recently – I know a lot of you like to keep up to date with these things. In the future, we’ll try to do a better job of keeping everyone in the loop. Rest assured, the project… Continue reading Mo content, mo problems
The Human Reignition Project!
[Due to a change in development, this blog post has been removed to avoid causing potential confusion]
Split Decision
If you’ve ever worked with a group of writers before, you know that it can be tough. Everyone has different ideas about where the story should go, how this or that character should behave or react to this other character, whether or not a character should be used to further the plot at this point… Continue reading Split Decision
Eleven months in
The team noticed something yesterday. Our subreddit was founded on October 1st. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been working on this project (in one form or another) for that long. It feels like only a few months ago we were responding to Tony’s VN recruitment thread over at /r/visualnovels over on reddit. We’ve gained… Continue reading Eleven months in
Progress 2.0
Early height comparison image, minus one heroine So we’re preparing for something. Something big. You probably know that already. Don’t worry, it’s not another ‘restructuring’, ‘consolidation’, ‘reimagining’ or any other big word that tries to spin something bad into sounding good. This thing we’re preparing for is actually good, and we need to clean up… Continue reading Progress 2.0
The Blog Revival Project!
Okay okay, we’ve kind of let this place a quiet death while we’ve working on HRP. Our fault; We’ve been pretty busy these past few months. So, let’s try and bring everyone up to speed on what’s been going on behind-the-scenes here at Alienworks.
Meet the team
So right now, we’re in a bit of a transitional period. All of the writers are currently doing write ups for the various concepts we’ve discussed, so for a while at least, it’ll be pretty quiet. Until we choose a concept, that is. Then we unleash hell. So to tide you over for now, I… Continue reading Meet the team